
This morning I woke up and wished I'd only dreamed yesterday. In my early morning daze, cold under the sheets, I felt almost guilty for not having better control over what's real and what's dream. But I forced myself up and into the shower and then out into the first cold day of the season. Becky and Amy both said nice things today, which made up for the relative indifference I got from Mimi and Joyce yesterday. Yesterday was the first real evidence I'd seen in either of them of what I've for years considered the human resources inevitability: all HR people are bastards or at least at some point receive the bastard seed. But I don't know; both were really short phone exchanges so I may have misunderstood. Anyway, today turned out a fairly positive day, boosted by contributions from old friends. And finished off at 1am with Buzzcocks and strawberry milk.






