
Saturday I spent a nice day at the Hyannis mall by myself, looking for a christening present for the baptismal Laughing Maggie. As it turns out, the present does actually have christening properties (it's the Chronicles of Narnia), and the perfect wrapping job I did in a $9 sheet of gilded butterfly paper is likely to send beholders into ecstatic fits besides. A few people unrelated to the bebe frothed on about how the books are useless to a four-month-old; I gave each a sixpence and tossed him in the ocean.

���� While I was at the mall I felt like eating popcorn, so I got some and watched "Hidalgo" while I ate it. It was a fast and adventuresome movie but in the end felt badly short on plot. Also the director made some missteps I think, for example in the scene where Hopkins and Hidalgo are just about to die in the desert's widesuperhotness and are visited by Hopkins' dead Native American family, the film suddenly has a too-modern blue-tinged contrasty overexposure that makes it seem like you're watching the gimmicky desert storm movie that has George Clooney in it.

���� Sunday I went to the christening; I arrived a little late and the church was already full. I snuck down the side and slipped into a pew next to two old ladies. When they looked at me, I asked if I could sit there. The first lady nodded and the second one said "Chris!" The first said "he's not Chris." I said, "oh yes I am." The first said, "well he's not the Chris we know." I said "that's true." The second lady said "oh." I asked where in the program we were and they said baby #6 of 9. Then they chatted with each other for a bit. Then they asked me if I knew anyone there. Later when all the parents had to stand up, the ladies saw Amy and gasped: that girl is TALL!

���� Back at Amy's house it was a madhouse of children. Jeff totally doesn't like me - still. Which is okay - there are things that I don't like either, about me. Abigail is like a british monarch, toothy grin and all.






