
Tonight was a pumpkin-carving event at Beth's house. I carved a pretty good face but it wasn't scary at all which bugged me for some reason so I decided it would be scary if I made a rectangle around it. It was a good idea, but it didn't work. So I kept going and ended up cutting the mouth out entirely, and then removing the walls on either side of the face so all that was left was 2 pretty good eyes and a J nose and a big dumb ring for a mouth hanging in front of half a pumpkin. It took 3 hours for my pumpkin to come to this final state of stupidity.
����Everyone else had finished a long time ago except for Beth, who announced "No / Sleep / 'Til Pumpkin" and then worked for another half hour, finally achieving Pumpkin around 11. After which, tired and dissatisfied, I went home.

����Before which, though, I discovered an automated toy for Fritz the Wallaby (and perhaps others) in which a furry toy mouse is tied to a wide ribbon which is then hung in front of a floor fan. The airflow will hang the mouse in midair out in front of the fan where it waves and flips enticingly. As soon as I get a ribbon and a toy mouse I'm tryin' it with Lasko. (Lasko isn't my cat; Cat is my cat. Lasko is my unreliable fan so "try" here really depends on Lasko.) Cat will most likely destroy the neat toy like he destroys everything else.

����I've recently been accused of being "Meursault." That sounds nice as an adjective. So supposedly I just sit on my balcony and watch stuff, and you know, whatever. Just sit, watch. At 4:30 maybe I go inside to get some chocolate or something. Come back out. I forget why I was called Meursault the first time but today it was because I engaged in debate without attaching myself to my argument. I went through this whole discussion allowing it to be assumed that I was speaking my opinion and then at the end I said that I hadn't said if it was or it wasn't. So. Consequently, there's no "Chris" or something... nothing worthwhile. I'm not taking this like an insult; I just want to know if it's true to say about people. That something like that makes you unreliable as an object in the world, intangible or immaterial or some equivalent; you can't be held. It makes me think of a frog. A person who is like a frog is of little value. Actually, I regret my approach in retrospect because the other person was really invested in this discussion with me and I should have been mindful of that. It's frustrating though, when people want to talk about a topic but it turns out they want it to be as much about the talkers as about the topic. Anyway, I was called Meursault and I understood why it was said and it made me think of a frog. If you have any ideas about frogs and/or Meursault, why don't you tell me 'cause I'm interested.






