
Nothing's being written here because I've not any focus at the moment.

���� After the Canada trip I got back into working on the prize (which is now 18 pages long), but then I put that aside to work on the wedding photo album (which at the halfway point was effectively hijacked but retains pending status), and now I have a family research/publishing project to do (and a very small time to do it). I've also redone my resume in a sort of garish but eye-catching format and have stepped up the employment campaign. So there are several projects underway and it's not that I don't have time to write anything here, it's that I don't have any real writable thoughts developing because all my brain strings are being woven into technical stuff.

���� Soon enough though, I'll have a crazy dream or I'll be deep enough into the world of, say, 1951 that I'll develop some thoughts about it, and I'll get it written down.

���� I suppose that I have to admit also that for the past few weeks I've been in a sort of mild stricken state: whacked-like, with circling birds. Which I say in part because it's repetitive, like cartoon comedy.






